H3U Family Fitness & Nutrition partners with patients in providing care tailored to their specific health needs. Hope is the foundation of all individualized protocols to guide the patient in meeting their health goals and leading a life that is fulfilling and meaningful.

What is Hope?

The key of expectation and certainty for what is to come.

What is Health?

Access to a freedom of thriving in body, mind, and spirit.


Holistic Health carries us over spiritual, mental and physical bridges leading to true Happiness. Sometimes we need to stop occasionally on these bridges to look down and reflect on where we were, where we are and where we are going. God designed our bodies to follow a natural path flourishing with Hope and yielding Happiness regardless of what troubled waters we may cross. H3U Family Fitness & Nutrition supports patients over and through these challenging areas toward healing and happiness.

What is Happiness?

Expressing a positive genuine balance of the inside of the body outwardly toward others.


True genuine Happiness occurs through a transformation of deliberate choices. Our choices are influenced by an inward and sometimes outward response to our physical, mental and spiritual relationship with others. Hope is the spring that continues to renew our body, mind and spirit and greatly influences our Health.

"Call it an experiment in happiness, well worth the risk. But I am reluctant still. What if it is dashed, squashed? No matter. I accept and relish any Godly happiness I meet. In that moment, it cannot be taken away by anyone or anything." - Douglas Groothuis, June 2019

Are you ready to take the risk and start on the path of Hope, Health and Happiness? H3U Family Fitness & Nutrition is here to help you on your journey.

What is Hope?

The key of expectation and certainty for what is to come.

What is Health?

Access to a freedom of thriving in body, mind, and spirit.


Holistic Health carries us over spiritual, mental and physical bridges leading to true Happiness. Sometimes we need to stop occasionally on these bridges to look down and reflect on where we were, where we are and where we are going. God designed our bodies to follow a natural path flourishing with Hope and yielding Happiness regardless of what troubled waters we may cross. H3U Family Fitness & Nutrition supports patients over and through these challenging areas toward healing and happiness.

What is Happiness?

Expressing a positive genuine balance of the inside of the body outwardly toward others.


True genuine Happiness occurs through a transformation of deliberate choices. Our choices are influenced by an inward and sometimes outward response to our physical, mental and spiritual relationship with others. Hope is the spring that continues to renew our body, mind and spirit and greatly influences our Health.

"Call it an experiment in happiness, well worth the risk. But I am reluctant still. What if it is dashed, squashed? No matter. I accept and relish any Godly happiness I meet. In that moment, it cannot be taken away by anyone or anything." - Douglas Groothuis, June 2019

Are you ready to take the risk and start on the path of Hope, Health and Happiness? H3U Family Fitness & Nutrition is here to help you on your journey.


What is orthomolecular medicine?

• Orthomolecular—Right or correct molecule
• Science-based medicine
• Supports the biochemical and physiological processes and pathways of the human body

What is the human microbiome? Why is it important?

• 90% of the cells in the body are microbes and bacteria—the Microbiome—genetic material of our Microbiome vastly outnumbers our own DNA (150 to 1)
• Greatly impacts our genes (DNA) through epigenetics
• Major player in immunity and inflammatory responses to our internal and external environments
• Facilitates nutrition absorption through a balanced ecological environment and so much more…

What does the HPA axis do?

• Releases chemicals and hormones to maintain balance between relaxation and flight-or-fight responses by the body
• One of the primary players in stimulating the release of Cortisol (hormone) from the adrenal glands during stress
• Involved in a constant feedback loop influencing digestion, gut microbiome and immunity

What is a 3-Day Nutritional Analysis?

• Journaling of all food/beverages/supplements for three days
• Information entered in nutritional analysis software
• Tables and graphs provide valuable nutrient information with vitamin, mineral, amino acid, protein, fat, carbohydrate intake and relative deficiencies (see example of Nutritional Analysis Report)

Scheduling an appointment.

•Review details located in Information section
•Send email requesting H3U questionnaires—put “H3U Questionnaires” in subject line to [email protected]
•Once you receive questionnaires, allow a minimum of 30 minutes to complete
•Allow 24-48 hours to assess questionnaires and initial build of phase I protocol
•You will receive an email with request to book appointment by zoom or phone

Is this a membership-based program?

• No, the goal of H3U Family Fitness & Nutrition is to support you through the protocol in as few visits as possible and resolve health challenges or to be consistently moving toward goals, while at the same time offering services and individualistic health protocols in a realistic and affordable manner to more individuals and families

How long before I experience changes?

• All of us respond differently based on current health status, current dietary preferences, and differences in our microbiome and biochemical nature
• Some patients may notice a difference in a few days, a few weeks, or even a few months—these factors can be influenced by a positive outlook concerning health goals, relationships with food, relationships with people and your environment

What about a protocol for weight loss or weight gain?

• Specific protocols for weight loss or weight gain are not utilized because weight loss or weight gain is a side effect or byproduct of the current balance of the body
• Sports Nutrition protocols are for those who do not view current health status needing a specific health protocol, but have a desire to improve upon current nutritional intake, to break through plateaus, and increase athletic performance


1. Saul, A. W., et al.(2014). The Orthomolecular Treatment of Chronic Disease, 65 Experts on Therapeutic and Preventive Nutrition. United States of America: Basic Health Publications, Inc.
2. Kellman, R. (2015). The Microbiome Diet, The Scientifically Proven Way to Restore Your Gut Health and Achieve Permanent Weight Loss. Boston: Da Capo Press.
3. Perlmutter, D. & Loberg, K. (2015). Brainmaker, The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain—for Life. New York: Little, Brown and Company.
4. Rakel, D. (2018). Integrative Medicine. (Fourth edition). Philadelphia: Elsevier.


Gut Instincts

Why hydrochloric acid (HCl) is crucial and how it affects the language your body speaks.

 Stacy Nichols

I really wanted to work out today, I have deadlines to meet, emails to answer and it is 2pm and I haven't eaten yet. Stress, lack of exercise, bad dietary habits and just feeling like you are being pulled in too many directions can cause a downward spiral of gastrointestinal (GI) health challenges. Your gut feels like it is in knots, maybe you have heartburn or indigestion, and fluctuate day to day with constipation or diarrhea.

I really wanted to work out today, I have deadlines to meet, emails to answer and it is 2pm and I haven't eaten yet. Stress, lack of exercise, bad dietary habits and just feeling like you are being pulled in too many directions can cause a downward spiral of gastrointestinal (GI) health challenges. Your gut feels like it is in knots, maybe you have heartburn or indigestion, and fluctuate day to day with constipation or diarrhea.

Harmony and Balance

Everything our gut encounters outside or inside our body is being interpreted by our microbiome, our most abundant storehouse of genetic material. How we nurture our body inside and out will drive the response of the unique genetic material of our microbiome.Some of the fields of study examining these cleverly orchestrated events are epigenetics and nutrigenomics, and hydrochloric acid (HCl) is a major instrument conducting many reactions throughout the body and influencing your microbiome.

Gastric Disorders

Hypochlorhydria (absent or low HCl) is prevalent in gastroesophageal disorder (GERD), and in 2013 18% - 27% adults suffer with GERD. In the U.S. 60 to 70 million people are affected by GI diseases, and gastric disorders account for 72 million ambulatory care visits, 4.6 million hospitalizations, and 236,000 deaths. Highest occurrence of colorectal cancer in the world—Connecticut, and in 2004 an estimated $142 billion per year was spent on gastric disorders in the U.S., and the number of cases and costs associated with gastric disorders have steadily increased since 2004.

Negating HCl by chronically using antacids like Tums or Rolaids, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) like omeprazole (Prilosec) and esomeprazole (Nexium) and other PPIs, or H2 blockers like famotidine (Pepcid) or cimetidine (Tagamet) and other H2 blockers can have damaging effects on the body. Stress from too much cortisol can also inhibit HCl production.

Hard fact to swallow—much of the world population suffers from too little HCl.

I thought stomach acid was bad for me.

Stomach acid produced from undigested food is due largely to lack of HCl. The undigested contents ferment and cause pressure to build inside the stomach. HCl is needed to digest food, particularly proteins which contain amino acids—amino acids are utilized as catalysts to aid in cellular metabolism and are precursors in the production of many neurotransmitters.

In fact, your gut contains more neurotransmitters than your brain.

If your gut isn’t happy, your brain isn’t happy

The Good, Bad and Ugly

“Say hello to your little friends—your microbiome”.

The human microbiome—75%— is largely contained in the gastrointestinal tract(GIT) and consists of 30 trillion cells of various bacterial species. Some of these bacterial species are commensal (good bacteria) and some are pathogenic (bad bacteria). The balance between the good and bad bacteria is at work 24/7 in our body. It becomes ugly when the bad bacteria start to outnumber and take over the good bacteria—inflammation, sickness, fever, nausea, vomiting and so much more arises due to this harmful imbalance in the microbiome.

The human microbiome varies between individuals due to biochemical individuality, environment, and diet and contains 99% of our DNA—vastly more unique than our own DNA in our cells. One dose of antibiotics can imbalance your microbiome up to four years if not corrected! Steroids like prednisone and NSAIDS like aspirin, Ibuprofen, or naproxen can damage the lining of the stomach, interfere with HCl production and can profoundly affect the microbiome.

Benefits of HCl

HCl helps absorption of many vitamins and minerals like B12, folic acid, iron, magnesium, calcium and zinc—improving bone density. HCl activates release of pancreatic enzymes needed for digestionwhile simultaneously signaling the gallbladder to release bile. HCl prompts the sphincters above and below the stomach to open and close to allow food in and to push food out. HCl also provides first-line immunity against pathogenic bacteria from wreaking havoc further down in the GI tractHaving the necessary amount of HCl for digestion and protection can improve the efficiency of so many reactions and pathways that occur within in us even without us realizing it. Now is the time to tune your body to hear when the music being played [by your gut and microbiome] is off key or music to your ears—or rather to your gut.

B.I.D(Breaking IDown—no pun intended)

  • HCl is a major player in many reactions that occur throughout the body
  • Hypochlorhydria is absent or low HCl
  • Without the right amount of HCl we cannot breakdown and absorb nutrients
  • Gastric disorders affect people worldwidethe U.S. has the most GI disorders
  • The microbiome is affected by levels of HCl—influences immunity and much more
  • Our microbiome is like our fingerprints—varies from person to person
  • HCl can affect neurotransmitter production—important for brain cognition
  • “If your gut isn’t happy, your brain isn’t happy”

A.C.T. (Absorb Content Today)

  • Consume fermented foods and drinks—caution if you have candidiasis
  • Minimize drinking a lot of fluid with mealsfluids at least 30 minutes after meals
  • Ginger, peppermint, digestive enzymes,bitters, apple cider vinegar (ACV) and Betaine HCl (if no active ulcers) are helpful digestive aids
  • Take a high-quality probiotic—not all probiotics are helpful, some can make problem worse
  • Eat in a relaxed, non-hurried manner


Andrei, M. N. (2015). Intestinal Microbiome, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases - What are the Connections? Current Health Sciences Journal, 41(3), 197-203. doi:10.12865/CHSJ.41.03.

Arora, S. &. (2016). Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Epidemiology. In S. Huber, & S. Huber (Ed.), New Insights into Inflammatory Bowel Disease (pp. 3-20). Croatia: InTech. doi:10.5772/64313

Beasley, D. K. (2015). The Evolution of Stomach Acidity and Its Relevance to the Human Microbiome. PLOS ONE, 10(7), e0134116. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0134116

Boland, M. G. (2014). Food structures, digestion and health. Waltham, MA: Academic Press.

D’Argenio, V. &. (2015). The role of the gut microbiome in the healthy adult status. Clinica Chimica Acta (2015), 451(Part A), 97–102. doi:10.1016/j.cca.2015.01.003

El-Serag, H. S. (2013, Jul). Update on the epidemiology of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: a systematic review. Gut, 1. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2012-304269

Gerard, P. (2013). Metabolism of Cholesterol and Bile Acids by the Gut Microbiota. Pathogens, 14-24. doi:10.3390/pathogens3010014

Greger, M. (2015). How Not to Die. New York: Flatiron Books.

Guggenheim, D. &. (2013). Gastric Cancer Epidemiology and Risk Factors. Journal of Surgical Oncology, 107, 230–236. doi:10.1002/jso.23262

Hawrelak, J. &. (2004). The Causes of Intestinal Dysbiosis:. Alternative Medicine Review, 9(2), 180-197. Retrieved from http://www.anaturalhealingcenter.com/documents/Thorne/articles/intestinal_dysbiosis9-2.pdf

Hullar, M. &. (2014). Diet, the Gut Microbiome, and Epigenetics. The Cancer Journal, 20(3), 170–175. doi:10.1097/PPO.0000000000000053

Jockers, D. (2017, 09 03). 10 Ways to Improve Stomach Acid Levels. Retrieved from drjockers.com: http://drjockers.com/causes-and-symptoms-of-low-stomach-acid/

Lipski, E. (2012). Digestive wellness, strengthen the immune system and prevent disease through healthy digestion (4th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.

Mandal, R. S. (2015). Metagenomic Surveys of Gut Microbiota. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 13(3), 148–158. doi:10.1016/j.gpb.2015.02.005

Mullin, G. (2011). Integrative Gastroenterology. New York: Oxford University Press.

Nojoomi, F. &. (2016). Effect of Overgrowth or Decrease in Gut Microbiota on Health and Disease. Arch Pediatr Infect Dis., 4(2), e34558. doi:10.5812/pedinfect.34558

Peery, A. D. (2012). Burden of Gastrointestinal Disease in the United States: 2012 Update. Gastroenterology, 143, 1179–1187. doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2012.08.002

Perlmutter, D. &. (2015). Brain Maker, The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain-for Life. New York: Little, Brown and Company, Hachette Book Group.

Quest, C. (2017). The Microbiome and Cancer. Cancer Quest, 1-7. Retrieved from https://www.cancerquest.org/cancer-biology/microbiome

Tollefsbol, T. (2015). Personalized Epiginetics. London: Elesevier Inc.

Wright, J. V. (2001). Why Stomach Acid is Good for You, Natural Relief from Heartburn, Indigestion, Reflux & GERD. Lanham: M.Evans, An imprint of The Rowan & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.

Stacy Nichols, RN, BSN, MSHN, ROHP Stacy Nichols enjoys researching and learning about nutritional science, epigenetics and nutrigenomics and how to apply findings in “real-time” physically, mentally and spiritually. She is the owner, founder and health practitioner at H3U Family Fitness & Nutrition.

Nutritional Supplements

Purchase products through our Fullscript virtual dispensary.

Services and Individualized Protocols

• Digestion and Microbiome Imbalances

• Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis (Mental) Dysregulation

• HPA Axis Dysregulation

• Male and Female Hormone Dysregulation

• Joint Inflammation

• Preoperative Protocol to prepare and support the body before surgery

• Postoperative Protocol to support the healing process of the body after surgery

• Protocol to support Cancer patients

• Sports and Fitness Nutrition

• 3-Day Nutritional Analysis

• Biome FX

Recent evidence suggests that the gut microbiome is likely the master control center of overall human health.

In recent years, stool testing has become a popular method to evaluate the status of an individual’s gut microbiome (1). Peering into these microbial ecosystems can offer insight into disease susceptibility and potential root causes of illness. In fact, many diseases have a unique ‘microbial signature’ or enterotype, which means that specific bacterial patterns can be consistently linked to a particular disease. Fecal sampling can help clinicians and patients understand how their gut bacteria may be contributing to their ailments and how they can improve their gut microbiomes (2). However, common methods of stool analysis are often inaccurate, and many reports offered to consumers are confusing, ambiguous, and not actually based upon scientific evidence.

The most commonly used analysis techniques include 16S rRNA gene sequencing (16S) and quantified polymerase chain rWeactions (QPCR). Essentially, 16S rRNA is a region of DNA present in all bacteria and archaea, but not necessarily in other microbes, such as fungi or viruses. The 16S gene contains 9 hypervariable regions that can be thought of as a barcode, encoding many bacterial taxa (2). This area of DNA is then amplified using QPCR techniques to predict the full DNA sequence. However, due to its imprecise predictive nature, QPCR offers vague and often inaccurate results.

Similarly, researchers have found that 16S genome sequencing has less than 50% accuracy in identifying microbial species (3). It offers insight into phyla and genera, but due to its use of low-resolution images, it does not offer enough precise detail about bacteria at the species level, which can be very important! For example, the bacteria Escheria coli has many strains. Some of these are pathogenic, while others strains of E. coli are protective. Furthermore, 16S is unable to distinguish between living or dead cells, or offer insight into their metabolic activity.


Instead of 16S rRNA and QPCR, BiomeFxTM uses whole genome sequencing. Instead of targeting one specific gene region, such as the 16S region, this thorough approach gathers a more complete picture by using multiple, overlapping gene primers. A recent study found that whole genome sequencing identified nearly twice as many bacterial species compared to 16S methods, providing more information on microbial richness and diversity (4). This is a stunning finding as individuals using 16S methods may receive faulty dietary and lifestyle advice in response to these testing methods.

Whole genome sequencing is far superior and allows clinicians to more accurately provide interventions to heal and balance the gut.

Moreover, BiomeFxTM is distinct from other stool tests because of its unique coring method, which increases the accuracy of samples. Rather than taking a sample from the surface of the stool, this approach gathers data from the core of the sample and presents the findings into a functional report. This functional report will look at microbial trends and patterns to understand what the gut microbiome is doing rather than presenting the data in a meaningless range of high to low. These common reports are confusing, unhelpful, and not backed by scientific research. BiomeFxTM is the superior stool test on the market because of its coring method stool sampling, highly accurate whole-genome analysis and practical, user-friendly reporting.

1 Knights D, Parfrey LW, Zaneveld J, Lozupone C, Knight R. Human-associated microbial signatures: examining their predictive value. Cell Host Microbe. 2011;10(4):292–296. doi:10.1016/j.chom.2011.09.003
2 Allaband C, McDonald D, Vázquez-Baeza Y, et al. Microbiome 101: Studying, Analyzing, and Interpreting Gut Microbiome Data for Clinicians. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019;17(2):218–230. doi:10.1016/j.cgh.2018.09.017
3 Edgar RC. Accuracy of taxonomy prediction for 16S rRNA and fungal ITS sequences. PeerJ. 2018;6:e4652. Published 2018 Apr 18. doi:10.7717/peerj.4652
4 Patel A, Harris KA, Fitzgerald F. What is broad-range 16S rDNA PCR? Archives of Disease in Childhood - Education and Practice. 2017;102:261-264
5 Ranjan R, Rani A, Metwally A, McGee HS, Perkins DL. Analysis of the microbiome: Advantages of whole genome shotgun versus 16S amplicon sequencing. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2016;469(4):967–977. doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.12.083

Services and Fees

• Office Appointment (60 Minutes): $130

• Office Follow-up Appointment (30 Minutes): 100

• Telehealth Appointment (60 Minutes): 140

• Telehealth Follow-up Appointment (30 Minutes): $110

From There to Here






About Stacy Nichols


For the last two-and-a-half decades, I have worked in the operating room in numerous hospitals from the northeast to the south pacific and cared for patients from 0 to 99 years old. The surgical specialties I have worked in are trauma, orthopedic, general, vascular, laparoscopic, robotics, C-section, gynecology, urology, neurology, thoracic, open heart, kidney and liver transplants. In 2007, I was introduced to holistic alternatives, by a dear friend, while experiencing a migraine. My headache was relieved, and I was revived. My personal journey to learn more about alternative medicine began. I began to notice interesting trends with my surgical patients. A large percentage were taking similar combinations of medications for digestion, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety and diabetes. I also noticed, from the beginning of my nursing career, the typical age range for patients having heart procedures was 60 to 80 years old. It is not uncommon today to see patients in their forties undergoing these same procedures. It seems for every twenty years we move forward in time, the age of the patient for some disease processes and procedures has devolved twenty years.

"I truly felt there could be another way to help my patients by focusing on preventive, holistic and alternative therapies". - Stacy Nichols

Bachelor of Science in Nursing — University of Texas at Tyler
Master of Science in Holistic Nutrition—Hawthorn University

Digestive, Hormonal, Joint, Mental, Vascular

Hypochlorhydria and the Human Microbiome

Registered as an Orthomolecular Health Practitioner with the International Organization
of Nutritional Consultants (IONC). Licensed as an RN in TX, CA, MN, MA, NY and
any state under the Nurse Licensure Compact

111 Cash Street Suite B
Jacksonville, TX 75766
[email protected]
Phone: 903-303-5511